10 Hacks to be Successfully Working with Developers

It is exciting when your startup ventures in a new direction, with several developers working alongside you.

If you’re not careful, working with developers can seem like a dangerous gamble. You never know what’s going on in their head and they often speak a different language that we don’t understand -but isn’t this just because of how technical our work has become?

Working with developers can at times feel like walking through uncharted territory. Fear not, for the best communicators are equally as capable of working in this treacherous environment.

It is exciting when your startup ventures in a new direction, with several developers working alongside you. New partnerships are exciting, but it can be hard to know where you want your company’s vision to go. Don’t worry, we have got you covered.


  • ·        Define the end goal
  • ·        Don’t assume
  • ·        Give them space
  • ·        Build a personal relationship
  • ·        Prioritize tasks
  • ·        Attend agile meetings
  • ·        Don’t micromanage
  • ·        Use logic
  • ·        Think in terms of versions and updates
  • ·        Communicate the next steps in advance

1. Define the end goal

Developers can often get lost in the weeds when it comes to what they’re building and why. They need more than just a code; make sure they know the end goal. Developers are essential to any startup because they have an in-depth understanding of what your company’s vision is and how it can be achieved. The more information you provide them with, the easier their job will become as long as there isn’t too much flexibility on either end. Always include the developer in your initial planning stages. This way, they can help you figure out how to reach a solution and provide realistic timelines for completion.

2. Don't assume

In order for a startup to succeed, the tasks must be completed in time. One little mistake can make the difference between a successful company and one that struggles through its early days. You need to be sure about how your development process works before assuming it will go smoothly, especially if you are new at this game. Tasks that are simple can become complicated when you don’t have all the information. Without clear communication between project managers and developers, many startup problems arise in development stages due to miscommunication or lack thereof. Developers spend most of their time on tasks that are requested by managers. However, it is important to discuss the development process before assuming how easily or quickly these requests will be completed and ask for an estimated timeframe in advance so there aren’t any misaligned timelines or frustration felt when they finally do get done.

3. Give them space

Let them have their space. Front-end developers are in a constant state of flow. They’re always switching between different screens, headphones on their head and intense focus to make sure everything goes according to the plan for that day or week If you interrupt this regular rhythm by asking about progress too many times, then your front-end developer will quickly lose interest. The best way to deal with this is let them be when they are in their zone. Developers spend the majority of time on multiple screens and have intense focus, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore what’s happening around or force a conversation if it isn’t wanted – just like when musicians take breaks from composition; developers need some space too.

If you want to get the best from your developers, it’s important that they feel like partners. Look at them as colleagues or even friends and make an effort understand some of their basic lingoes so there won’t be any misunderstandings about what we’re trying to accomplish on this project – because delays are expensive! Developing a personal relationship with developers can have many benefits. Seeing them as colleagues or even friends will allow you to better understand the progress when they are updating, and it might result in faster work compliance! To maintain this new way of working together, make sure your appreciation is mutual–developers want their managers who “get” what they go through every day on site-level projects.

5. Prioritize tasks

Developers need to be prioritized according to the tasks that will take them up most of their day. If there are three items on a developer’s list, and one is going to take all morning long (a project with high value), then those other two should not get done until they’ve been sufficiently delayed so as not become overwhelming or obsolete in case something else comes along for comparison later down the line – you never know what might happen! It is crucial that you give them a fair idea of how to prioritize the tasks. It allows them to manage their time accordingly so they can finish all three in half-day, or at least come close enough for your project’s deadline. You need to make sure that the tasks are prioritized properly or else we’ll see your developer get lost in a sea of small, insignificant projects.

6. Attend agile meetings

Attending agile meetings is a great way to keep up on the latest developments and changes in your industry. Most development teams use an “agile framework,” which means that they frequently hold quick sprints with updates every three weeks or so; therefore, must meet on a regular basis to discuss progress as well as any potential roadblocks or issues with tasks assigned by management. In addition, attending these sessions will give you more knowledge about how different departments function within the company so it’ll be easier for us all following together in future discussions. if you ever feel stuck at any point during one of these sessions make sure not hesitate, ask whoever called it out for us what we need clarification on as many people welcome initiative from others who want more knowledge.

7. Don't micromanage

Developers need data and specifications from customers before they can create an MVP. Developers must have a good understanding of the problem as well as clear details about what is expected in return for their efforts; don’t give them vague outlines or open-ended problems without qualifications that will make developers happy! After providing all these requirements, assess if this solution makes each party satisfied by taking into account how much work needs to go into it – does one person’s task take more time than another’s? Is there enough information provided so far at this point (for example: How do we know when something has succeeded?) If not, then renegotiation may become necessary due-to differing expectations on both sides. Give them details and specifics without micromanaging. And, to avoid micromanaging and being vague, set clear expectations.

8. Use logic

Developers are logical people, so it’s important to keep your ideas grounded in reality. Developers thrive off incentives; if there is financial gain involved then chances are high that he/she might just get excited by seeing his work translated into real world results right away. When working with developers, always make sure to give them a logical explanation of how your project will help the company grow. Seeing this direct correlation in their work makes it easier for engineers and designers alike because they want nothing more than success for you.

9. Think in terms of versions and updates

It’s natural to expect that your startup or organization will come out perfect, especially when you are very aligned with the ideas that drive them. However, this is hardly ever the case; even a great product needs a series of versions and updates before it can be released into its final form and it’s completely normal! A startup or organization should never assume that the product will come out finished and perfect right away, on your first build. All good designs have an iteration or two built into their process for testing purposes

10. Communicate the next steps in advance

The best way to keep your team on track and happy is by being aware of changes that may come in future, allowing you to prepare a flexible code. Working together with someone who shares the same vision for project will allow both business side as well product development thrive hand in hand because they are working towards achieving one goal which creates mutual respect between them where everybody can contribute freely without feeling hinderance from any other party It’s always easier when we have an understanding about what people want or need out their projects so there should always be an open communication regarding requirements.

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