HSCP is a two-sided marketplace that matches homeowners who would like to have house sitters come in and take care of their cats while they are away for an extended period.
HSCP is a two-sided marketplace. On the one hand, we have travelers and digital nomads looking for a home to stay at during their travels. On the other hand, we have homeowners who would like someone to take care of their cats and home while they are away on their trips.
HSCP is trying to build a community of cat people who helps each other by offering unlimited cat and home care in exchange for a free place to stay. Cat owners can travel with confidence, knowing they’ve secured the very best care for their best friend. While Cat sitters get to stay in unique homes worldwide and enjoy cats’ company.
A marketplace for a specific niche within the House-Sitting industry where we match the Sitters with Homeowners and provide them the ability to conduct business without ever having to leave the platform. This project took almost a year to bring to fruition. It involved building a robust two-sided marketplace with payment gateway integration and many third-party integrations like Background Check company API.
HSCP wanted an end-to-end full-stack development team who could build the marketplace and own the technical execution and delivery of it. They wanted a partner who not only had the technology and joined the team as a CTO as well as pitched the VC for fundraising.
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